Extra Curricular Activities



Students attending Sacred Heart have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of learning and extra-curricular activities. We have outstanding facilities that cater for all students. Content and skills are taught based on the Australian Curriculum. Students access Art, Technology, Music, Health and Physical Education lessons each week which is provided by specialist teaching staff. Within classrooms, students have access to technology to further enhance the learning opportunities that are offered and to develop 21st century skills around communication, collaboration and problem solving.

We offer a range of incursions and excursions with camps scheduled on a yearly basis for our Grade 3 to Grade 6 classes. Book Week performances, internal concerts and swimming lessons are also provided internally. 

Students can access a range of external programs. We offer the Children’s University program where students are rewarded for their out of school activities and when a certain amount of hours are collated they are then eligible to graduate with the UTAS procession in Burnie. Students from our school also participate in a range of local sporting opportunities such as Auskick, Soccer, Netball and Basketball.



Students visit the library once a week and are able to borrow Library books for either home or classroom use. Waterproof Library bags are required to protect books and can be purchased from the school or brought from home.


Students have access to our Kitchen and Garden in class groups or small groups. The Grade 3/4 students participate in the Kitchen 

Garden program weekly where they plant, grow and maintain the garden and learn how to cook using ingredients they have grown. 



Breakfast club is offered to students on Thursday mornings for any students who wish to participate. Food is very generously donated by Oliver’s Bakery and Ulverstone Woolworths.


We form buddy classes at the beginning of the year to build relationships with students from other grades. Buddy classes get together weekly for buddy reading as well as regular engaging planned activities.

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A range of incursions visit our school, including musicians, drama groups, Dance Fever and cultural performances.


Teachers organise class trips to enhance children’s learning. These excursions may take the form of walks around the local area or bus trips. All are related to classroom learning programs and provide concrete ‘real life’ experience designed to consolidate learning. We aim to offer Grade 3 to Grade 6 students the opportunity to participate in an overnight camp experience. 

The cost of excursions (excluding camps) are covered in students’ levies.

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